While at the grocery store last night Peter and i caught sight of this fish wiggling around in its wrapper. live fish in a bucket? ok. live fish in styrofoam and plastic? only in japan.
I pointed it out to an old woman, she humored me by laughing a little.... she was probably just laughing at me.
That's disgusting! That poor fish.
I don't like that at all.
Oh man, don't you love other cultures? What's normal for them seems to be entertaining for us. I'm so glad you got video footage of that!
As for me, I'm kickin it in the Burg. It's actually really fun up here now that I'm going out of my way to be social (unlike the semester we lived together). Anyways, I hope life is good way over there across the sea. Talk about an adventure of a lifetime!
you should have stepped on it. put it out of its misery.
I can't believe you guys are already in Japan! I am sure this fish is just one of the many stories to come!
haha i love shopping in asia. you're in japan! YAY YAY YAY!
Seriously only in Japan! I do feel bad for the fish. Just like I feel bad for the 5 squid you can buy in a package here (Korea) for 5 dollars. Really. Is a squid's life only worth one dollar. Depressing, and strange. Most of the stuff people buy here is still alive too. All the restaurants display their food in fish tanks outside in the front.
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