Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Litte Empathy Please

(Dangerfiled family photo tradition)

I have to brag about this kid for a second.  So if you hate adorable stories about super cute babies stop reading.
The past few weeks I had been feeling really sick.  Cold, fever, really bad sore throat.  The other day I was feeling really lumpy after a night of no sleep and Scout comes up and says...
Scout:  "Mom hurt?"
Me:  "Yeah, my throat hurts."
Scout:  "Sorry mom. Sorry"
Me:  (tears)
After which she walked behind me and gave me a back rub.
This Thanksgiving I am very thankful for a husband who has taught our daughter about empathy and that when moms not feeling well she likes back rubs and for a beautiful baby girl who is going to be the best big sister ever.

1 comment:

Jenny B said...

This is so sweet. And that photo of Scout is soooooo cute.