The month before his birthday I kept telling Peter we needed to wait to buy his bike till we had all the money saved, But I was planning to buy it for him as a surprise all along. So, on the day of his birthday I bought the bike and stashed it in the back yard. When he got home from school, I informed him I had changed my mind about buying the bike and we should do it right now. He was so excited as we headed down there, but I knew full well that the bike is no longer there. His heart sank like a stone when they told him it would be a few months till they could get another one. We left empty handed (wink!).
I think it's only me who thinks things like this are funny.
Then after hitting up Joe's Farm Grill and Krispy Kream, the first leg in the birthday trifecta, we went home to pick up bicycles and ride to Joe's BBQ and Liberty Market. That's when he found his bike nicely placed in the backyard.
And that's when I was deemed the best wife ever.

we are terrible friends who missed your birthday, so a belated birthday to you peter!! glad to hear you had an awesome surprise! that's a pretty sweet ride!
that was a very tricky thing you did, but made the gift that much better, you are very sneaky!
I played a trick on Matt on his birthday too, I had divorce papers drawn up and hide them inside his birthday card, after 12 hours of uncontrollable sobbing I let him in on the birthday joke. That is how I got deemed the worst wife ever.
Happy birthday to the meat man.
didnt know about the free birthday dinner. do you just show up?
that is funny!
This is kinda funny cause we did the exact thing to Peter in high school on his birthday, only it was for a signed Weezer picture and not a bike. Is it something about Peter that makes people want to trick him??
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